Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Meet Steve and One (PART TWO)

How to spot a Negative Extraterrestrial
How do you tell if an entity, who is not of either this planet or this dimension, is telling the truth? An entity who can literary read your mind. . An entity that tells you some of the things you were doing while he was away, and things that have taken place in your childhood, and also in other dimensions. 

A negative entity can easily pass off for a positive entity and scam you to Orion and back. The scamming games can be better observed in the Law of One books in which a fifth density entity is the ever present crook. (A disclaimer: I am not endorsing any work, either channelled or otherwise. The Law of One is a channelled series of books channelled by LL Research in the early eighties and I found it very useful in my path even though, in my opinion, it is quite limited in other aspects that I would be of interest to me, and in my view, would give a more clear picture on how we ended up on this planet engaged in the challenges that we find ourselves in. But yet again a few people can do so much and it is unquestionable that LL research has contributed immensely in raising the consciousness of this planet. The Law of One is a set of five books that can be downloaded for free from the LL Research website)
A couple of days after having my first conversation with One I sat with this conundrum because after I had made a couple of phone calls to Steve, further probing if One was not here to scam us. I asked him if One ever showed any sign of being hostile and self-serving and all the answers pointed to a Being who was benevolent.

In defeat I phoned Steve to ask One how to spot a negative entity. This was like asking a suspected criminal how to expose himself. One gave an answer that I hadn’t read or heard anywhere. But again neither had I read or heard anywhere of the kind of contact that Steve established besides the case of Colin as I mentioned in part one. 

One said that a benevolent Being is able to hold a picture, “in his eyes”, of the one he was looking at for an extended amount of time and as much as a negative being was able to do this, he wouldn’t be able to do this for an extended amount of time. So basically the eyes of the extraterrestrial would serve as a screen on which the picture was displayed. And this picture wouldn’t be a picture of the present time, but another picture which is not a present reflection.

I asked Steve if he was able to see a picture of himself in Ones eyes. He answered to the positive and that he would be sitting and the picture that one displayed in his eyes was of Steve standing. Afterwards I had to resign myself to the reality that One meant well and in the future I should embark on efforts whose intention was to make meaningful use of One’s vast knowledge, and dimensional advantage instead of playing the perpetual cosmic private eye.Of course, the constant look out for signs of change to the negative was always there.

It is my opinion that it is improbable to truly know, with "full proof" of a contact's agenda in its entirety. I think such could be achieved through accessing that individual's consciousness Station of Identity. One thing I have realised though is that every Extraterrestrial, positive or negative has an agenda. So it is always wise to establish the agenda of an Extraterrestrial or any other entity so that there can be the knowing if there is congruency of  purpose.

One reveals myself to me
Of all the information that one has shared with me I value the most the initial stages in which he taught me how to know myself. Of course there are certain portions of myself which he was limited in helping me better understand because according to him I come from much higher than his Identity Station, so there are many things about me which he does not know, and some of those aspects of myself I have come to know but I know that what I have discovered is just a fraction of who I am.

He would then take me to my childhood and ask me to ask myself how certain events happened, why they happened and why I thought they happened. He would pick a certain event that happened and relay it in the most accurate detail, and for a while I was left baffled on how he knew so much about me. A lot of the events, not even Steve knew about, and later in our interaction I would ask him to remind me of certain events that I had forgotten and he would lay them out as they happened. And now and again, not too often, he would tell me the parallel in the higher realms of that which transpired in the physical. In the physical a mere bumper bashing would turn out to be some precarious maneuver with a spaceship in the higher realms.

Who am I? That was one of the initial exercises he gave me. Protesting on the seeming uselessness of the exercise I would ask him what purpose it served. He said if I asked this question intently the answers would start coming. “FROM WHERE”, I wanted to ask but over time I came to realise that complexity could be easily solved with simplicity. When I began getting the initial answers, FROM NOWHERE, I began to trust in the seeming pointless exercises that he gave me. 

Steve being one with more or less no knowledge of metaphysical subjects at the time, would get bored because at times he would not have an idea what we were talking about, but he needed to be there as he was the one that could see and “hear” One, and I was as blind as a new-born puppy. When one first appeared “permanently” they communicated through One’s (spoken) language. A few days later they transitioned into telepathy, and they communicated through telepathy until One had to “leave” in October 2018.

This information provides one perspective of the infinite angles from which the truth could be viewed from. Please read with discernment because the intention of this information is to help in the raising of the planetary consciousness and if it in any way inspires the opposite it should be discarded without any second consideration.  

Stay in the Light
Much Love

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Introducing Steve and One (PART ONE)

The story I’m about to tell might seem unbelievable until one really stretches one’s mind to involve the reality of, what if there were things we did not know. What if our perceptive limits only availed a microscopic fraction of that which could be known? Could it be possible that there are other intelligent Beings besides those presently residing upon planet Earth?

For me there was never the need to stretch my mind in order to embrace this reality because I have lived in a reality (knowing) in which the existence of other Beings, besides God, always lingered at the back of my mind. From an early age I have encountered “strangeness” which other people seemed not to be encountering. But this existence of other Beings always existed as a “knowing” even though there was nothing tangibly evident that I could point to validate this “knowing”.

It was in the last quarter of 2016 that the evidence presented itself, but even still, I couldn’t contain it in a test tube for the observation and scrutiny of others, to then say, “Hey, look, we have an Extraterrestrial in our midst”. 

I introduce this Being for the reason that he imparted much in the form of information and taught me many things that have helped to raise my consciousness. From the last quarter of 2016 to October of 2018 he imparted much knowledge, some of which I intend to share in this blog. Not being interested in being named, I had to name him One as I found it awkward to converse with a nameless Being. He asked me what the meaning of One is and I told him, “Unity”. 


One is not a being affiliated to me in the truest sense of the word. One is part of the guardian system of a Human Being named Steve (pseudo name). Many years prior to the last quarter of 2016 One had been appearing to Steve for short periods of time and would give guidance as different situations arose. It was in the last quarter of 2016 that his appearance was as frequent as if we lived with him. 

His description from Steve being that of the little Grey besides the color which Steve described as some sort of beige, I initially got suspicious of this being. I knew Greys being characters of great mischief globally and in Southern Africa they are known as the mischievous Mantindane who could wreak havoc on an unfortunate individual. 

About a week or two later I was to have the privilege to converse with this being. A conversation that started around two in the morning and ended at ten of the same morning. I was to receive very surprising information and he was to be greatly surprised on things he had witnessed in the higher realms and did not understand until our conversation which gave him the allowance to see deeper into these events that took place in which I was involved in during my present incarnation. 

To also add that this is not a channeled Being. But a being that "floats" in, in his light body. When conversing with him i would ask Steve where he was located in the room. He would be either sitting on a chair, resting on top of a cardboard or anywhere in the room he felt appropriate to position himself.

Before we even began the conversation I was greatly reassured by the calmness of the atmosphere that One created. I must state that being one that has weathered trickery and has been “burnt” ample times, I consider One as a friend, a teacher, a fellow soul who has served me immensely and hopefully there is some way I have served him too. I have never looked at One as some Angel, some deity, and a Higher Being that needed to be worshiped, and I must add that he never encouraged such behavior, allowing Steve the liberty to even shout at him at times. "What does he do when you shout at him?" i asked Steve "He smiles. Its so irritating".

Even though I was encouraged by the peace he was, I carried on nonetheless and gave him the third degree. He mentioned that he was from a place which could be considered fourth density, but advised that we should not overly rely on this human numbering system because as much as it could approximate things of higher realms but it couldn’t really pinpoint the exact location and core of things.  Months later he took Steve to this place and to another place of one of my other Identity Stations.


I must also mention that I could not see One, it was only Steve that could see him. He mentioned that he was made of substance that was made of light, and also that his smell was that of a pleasant scent he hadn’t experienced before, and his eyes were big and poppy and they made clicking sounds when he blinked. I wanted to know the number of fingers and toes, but Steve told me that those were cloaked. Questioning One on this suspicious “hiding” of body parts, he told me that I knew why he was hiding those sections of his body.  I have my knowing on why sometimes benevolent Beings from other places hide certain things, but maybe it would be eyeopening to the reader who doesn't know to question why this is.

Most of my life I have been expecting contact from “other places” besides earth. In my mind I have never had a clear picture on how this was supposed to happen but I knew that one way or the other it had to happen. When One told me how rare the manner in which Steve established contact I searched the internet and such other instance that resembled that contact was the one Colin Joe Byrne established with his higher selves in which they came into physical contact with him. I’m sure that there might be other people that have established contact this way but it is very rare. It is my “knowing” though that this will become the norm as we move more and more into the future.

This information provides one perspective of infinite angles from which the truth could be viewed from. Please read with discernment because the intention of this information is to help in the raising of the planetary consciousness and if it in any way inspires the opposite it should be discarded without any second consideration. 

Stay in the Light
Much Love

Monday, February 4, 2019



Until we are evolved enough to have direct conscious access to the information contained within higher consciousness, we have not much of a choice but to take what makes the best sense in that which now forms part of our collective information bank. A lot of it is deception, embellishments and pure blatant lies. So we sit with the challenging task of choosing the "lie" that sounds more intelligent, or rather, that which resonate the strongest.

Religion being yet one more avenue that has been used to lie to us, which in turn we have used to lie to ourselves , it is incumbent that we understand it inside out. One aspect of it is that which has been referred to as the Anti-Christ. A figure feared, would come (in the end times), do away with the Christ teachings and teach that which is against the Christ teachings. Of cause at the back of the mind there is always the expectation of brimstone and fire, and "I shall strike down with vengeance...", kind of utterances.

One thing that is clear though especially in that which is the canonized bible is the prevalence of brutal and heartless "gods" which strike with brimstone and fire. That which is referred to as the old testament is defined by the spilling of blood. Was the one reading the bible to appreciate the history of the bible, it wouldn't then be exclusively regarded as the "word of God" and the reader would be saved from pain of being lied to. Of cause,for the one with sharp discernment the bible can be very informative. I have personally found and continue to find many information gems within it.
Christ is not a surname of the one known as Jesus. There is information that also claims that Jesus was not the given name for this good person. Apparently his name was Yeshua Ben Joseph (it is also possible that this is not true, but that is beside the point), and that which he incarnated for has been misunderstood.

How the word "Christ" got entangled with his character has to do with the reason for his incarnation.
There is a consciousness called the Krystic (Christ) consciousness. This is a consciousness that talks about the unity of all things. It talks about the oneness of all things with the Primal Source. The Primal source is not some personally sitting on throne somewhere but it consists of the infinite of everything that includes every Human Being on the planet. So in a sense, everyone and everything is God. Yes, God with the capital letter.

It is said that emanating from Beyond the time matrix is this "river/pillar" of light called the Krystic Light. Embodying this light requires that the incarnate should "love one another". Loving one another involves loving the self. The importance for embodying this light is so that the manifest personality can then vibrate faster and "ascend" into higher levels of consciousness.

It should also be understood that the one known as Jesus incarnated simultaneously into different times. So technically speaking there was not one Jesus but many, hence traces of this being can be found in different civilizations.

Embodying the Krystic consciousness has also to do with genetics. When a civilization or race digresses and starts abusing and misusing power there is a need for higher beings to incarnate into the race in order to "fix" the misnomer. This has happened many times with the human race and there are a number of "avatars" presently incarnate in order to imbue the human race with better functioning genetics. It is not only avatars but many different beings (indigo children and related)from higher consciousness who do this work.

Around the year 2000 these beings were estimated at 60 million, and it is these beings that we now need to awaken so that they can further awaken the rest of humanity. It is not really anyone awaking anyone. Those that are consciously "awake" then become better conduits of the light which is then transduced into the planetary crystalline grid which in turn becomes available to all Humanity and all things. Please note that this is not just a human thing but it applies to the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom and basically everything.

Here is a crude explanation on the "antichrist". What the fallen angelics did is that they mutated their genes so that it became impossible for the higher beings to incarnate into their race in order that they remain the control freaks that they have become . Or rather that they mutated themselves in a way that those that carried the Krystic (Christ) light would not incarnate into their race. So basically their genetic coding became "antichrist".

One way of achieving this is to remove one DNA strand and remain with eleven (even though this is an over-simplification of a more complex process because there is information that talks of up to 48 strands of DNA). This can be changed at anytime that the fallen angelics can decide that they want to coexist in harmony with their bothers and sisters who they have chosen to abuse.

Yes an "antichrist" can incarnate as a personality but the "antichristness" is more a genetic coding mutation other than a certain personality that has to incarnate. Presently there are many incarnate who carry this muted genetic coding and some of them are not "antichrist" in their polarity orientation. But yet again, the genes of the Human race have been "pimped" to a myriad of hues that have even confused the "seeders" themselves.

Please note that the real information, the real history and a lot that has to do with Humanity is only beginning to be strung together so there will be many "mistakes" (but at the core there are no mistakes but lessons). We try to present what sounds more plausible and is easier to believe as the mind finds it hard to rapidly assimilate information that is "farfetched" from its world view. Some information is channeled some acquired through the "knowing" and through many different means.
The biggest "mistake" would be to take this information as the "gospel" truth, as it is clear that even the gospel is not entirely true. Such pieces of information are meant strictly as inspiration so that the process of searching within can begin. The only legit truth is the one that comes from within. The real savior is the self. The one known as Jesus also reiterates this. "You have healed yourself"/"you can do greater things than this". Yet many would like us to believe that he said, "I'm your savior". I repeat, he did not say, "I'm your savior". In his defense I would like to reiterate that he didn't claim to be anyone's savior because he was here to teach that everyone is powerful and that people should begin embracing their magnificence.

There are many like him that have incarnated and are still incarnating. The "savior" idea was used in order that humanity will forever look for an outside savior when in actuality the savior has always been within. A misdirection so insidious that many have come to be defined through the statement, "Jesus, my lord and savior". I know this might be hard to grasp for some but the truth will first unnerve you before it sets a you free.

There might be those that might assume that it is pointless to share such information because it is so removed from our worldview that none would believe it. I have a way of sensing the people that read this information so as long as they show interest (even in private) I will continue to share. I also interact with many of the "private" readers within the dream state and as I teach I also learn from them, hence becoming the student of my students, because all have lessons to teach and all have lessons to learn.

Stay in the Light
Much Love


A thought form is a being created through prolonged concentration of the mind. This is better understood when appreciating that consciou...