Sunday, February 10, 2019

Introducing Steve and One (PART ONE)

The story I’m about to tell might seem unbelievable until one really stretches one’s mind to involve the reality of, what if there were things we did not know. What if our perceptive limits only availed a microscopic fraction of that which could be known? Could it be possible that there are other intelligent Beings besides those presently residing upon planet Earth?

For me there was never the need to stretch my mind in order to embrace this reality because I have lived in a reality (knowing) in which the existence of other Beings, besides God, always lingered at the back of my mind. From an early age I have encountered “strangeness” which other people seemed not to be encountering. But this existence of other Beings always existed as a “knowing” even though there was nothing tangibly evident that I could point to validate this “knowing”.

It was in the last quarter of 2016 that the evidence presented itself, but even still, I couldn’t contain it in a test tube for the observation and scrutiny of others, to then say, “Hey, look, we have an Extraterrestrial in our midst”. 

I introduce this Being for the reason that he imparted much in the form of information and taught me many things that have helped to raise my consciousness. From the last quarter of 2016 to October of 2018 he imparted much knowledge, some of which I intend to share in this blog. Not being interested in being named, I had to name him One as I found it awkward to converse with a nameless Being. He asked me what the meaning of One is and I told him, “Unity”. 


One is not a being affiliated to me in the truest sense of the word. One is part of the guardian system of a Human Being named Steve (pseudo name). Many years prior to the last quarter of 2016 One had been appearing to Steve for short periods of time and would give guidance as different situations arose. It was in the last quarter of 2016 that his appearance was as frequent as if we lived with him. 

His description from Steve being that of the little Grey besides the color which Steve described as some sort of beige, I initially got suspicious of this being. I knew Greys being characters of great mischief globally and in Southern Africa they are known as the mischievous Mantindane who could wreak havoc on an unfortunate individual. 

About a week or two later I was to have the privilege to converse with this being. A conversation that started around two in the morning and ended at ten of the same morning. I was to receive very surprising information and he was to be greatly surprised on things he had witnessed in the higher realms and did not understand until our conversation which gave him the allowance to see deeper into these events that took place in which I was involved in during my present incarnation. 

To also add that this is not a channeled Being. But a being that "floats" in, in his light body. When conversing with him i would ask Steve where he was located in the room. He would be either sitting on a chair, resting on top of a cardboard or anywhere in the room he felt appropriate to position himself.

Before we even began the conversation I was greatly reassured by the calmness of the atmosphere that One created. I must state that being one that has weathered trickery and has been “burnt” ample times, I consider One as a friend, a teacher, a fellow soul who has served me immensely and hopefully there is some way I have served him too. I have never looked at One as some Angel, some deity, and a Higher Being that needed to be worshiped, and I must add that he never encouraged such behavior, allowing Steve the liberty to even shout at him at times. "What does he do when you shout at him?" i asked Steve "He smiles. Its so irritating".

Even though I was encouraged by the peace he was, I carried on nonetheless and gave him the third degree. He mentioned that he was from a place which could be considered fourth density, but advised that we should not overly rely on this human numbering system because as much as it could approximate things of higher realms but it couldn’t really pinpoint the exact location and core of things.  Months later he took Steve to this place and to another place of one of my other Identity Stations.


I must also mention that I could not see One, it was only Steve that could see him. He mentioned that he was made of substance that was made of light, and also that his smell was that of a pleasant scent he hadn’t experienced before, and his eyes were big and poppy and they made clicking sounds when he blinked. I wanted to know the number of fingers and toes, but Steve told me that those were cloaked. Questioning One on this suspicious “hiding” of body parts, he told me that I knew why he was hiding those sections of his body.  I have my knowing on why sometimes benevolent Beings from other places hide certain things, but maybe it would be eyeopening to the reader who doesn't know to question why this is.

Most of my life I have been expecting contact from “other places” besides earth. In my mind I have never had a clear picture on how this was supposed to happen but I knew that one way or the other it had to happen. When One told me how rare the manner in which Steve established contact I searched the internet and such other instance that resembled that contact was the one Colin Joe Byrne established with his higher selves in which they came into physical contact with him. I’m sure that there might be other people that have established contact this way but it is very rare. It is my “knowing” though that this will become the norm as we move more and more into the future.

This information provides one perspective of infinite angles from which the truth could be viewed from. Please read with discernment because the intention of this information is to help in the raising of the planetary consciousness and if it in any way inspires the opposite it should be discarded without any second consideration. 

Stay in the Light
Much Love


  1. Helo there i read this article and i must say i find it rather spookey.In my opinion the only higher/supernatural being i wish to come in contact with,its definately the deity of God and possibly any other being that may stand to represent His presence.

    1. Maybe you need to pay attention on your understanding of "God".



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